Slack & Microsoft Teams Integration with Appreiz

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Slack Integration with Appreiz

Keeping with its core agenda of streamlining your work environment using an employee centric approach, Appreiz aims to be your all-inclusive solution as a social communication app. A ground breaking Appreiz app for Slack is all set to do just that and ease your busy lifestyles that much more! Connect your profiles on both softwares using a simple tag feature that lets you categorize and organize your internal and external appreciation. Appreiz lets you push and pull appreciation and communication from Slack, making it a virtual whiteboard for all your workplace references, within your organization and outside.

Integrating Slack with Appreiz is as easy as 1, 2, 3... and you are ready to go at 4!

Step 1: Register in Appreiz

Step 2: As an Appreiz Admin

  • Login to your Appreiz admin account (When you registered for Appreiz you would have got an URL ending with /admin. Use that URL)
  • Go to Menu > Slack Integration and click the Add to Slack button
  • Return to Appreiz and you are ready to go!

Step 3: As an Appreiz User

  • Login to your Appreiz portal account
  • Go to Menu > MyProfile and click edit profile to update your Slack username
  • Now return to Appreiz and you are ready to receive internal and external appreciation!

Step 4: From Slack UI

  • Start getting appreciation notifications on Slack, whenever the user gets appreciation in appreiz portal - You can even fetch internal and external appreciation using Slash commands.
  • Follow the steps to fetch appreciation from Slack app:
    - Use this tag for internal appreciation: /appreiz{space}@Slackusername{space}message{space}$category{space}Context-description{space}Impact-description
    - Use this tag for external appreciation: /appreiz{space}@Slackusername{space}message
  • Now return to Appreiz and you are ready to receive internal and external appreciation!

Note: Slack username should be associated with Slack team.For help use this command in your Slack /appreiz help

To know more about creating culture of appreciation using Employee social recognition platform, please reach out to

Microsoft Teams Integration with Appreiz

Keeping with its core agenda of streamlining your work environment using an employee centric approach, Appreiz aims to be your all-inclusive solution as a social communication app. A ground breaking Appreiz Microsoft Teams is all set to do just that and ease your busy lifestyles that much more! Connect your profiles on both softwares using a simple tag feature that lets you categorize and organize your internal appreciation. Appreiz lets you push appreciation and communication from Teams, making it a virtual whiteboard for all your workplace references, within your organization and outside.

Integrating Microsoft Teams with Appreiz is as easy as 1, 2... and you are ready to go.

Step 1: Register in Appreiz

Step 2: As an Appreiz Admin

  • Login to your Appreiz admin account
  • Go to Menu > Team Integration and click the Add to Teams button
  • Return to Appreiz and you are ready to go!

To know more about creating culture of appreciation using Employee social recognition platform, please reach out to